Optimal - The Blog

May 6, 2022

What's the difference between a Treatment Plan and Health Improvement Plan?

We recently released the ODX Treatment Plan Builder in the ODX software, which is where you can build supplement prescriptions for your patients based on the Fullscript database of products (if you're in the US and Canada) or the default ODX database of products. 

The ODX Treatment Plan Builder

The treatment plan is where you assemble the individual products you want to prescribe your patient. You can base this on one of their blood tests by selecting which Health Concerns from a blood test you want to treat:

how will you build your treatment plan

Alternatively, you can build a non-blood test-specific treatment plan.

As we mentioned above, you can build supplement prescriptions for your patients based on the Fullscript database of products (if you're in the US and Canada) or the default ODX database of products. 

If you build the treatment plan using Fullscript, you can send the products through to Fullscript so they can contact the patient on your behalf, collect a payment, and fulfill the prescription. CLICK HERE to learn more about our Fullscript integration. Plus, Thorne products are now available through Fullscript and the ODX integration!

If you build your treatment plan using the ODX default database of products, you can go straight to the Health Improvement Plan once the prescription has been finalized.

Prior to finalizing the prescription, you can add treatment notes and a personal message to the treatment plan. This will appear on the Health Improvement Plan. 

Health Improvement Plan (HIP)

The Health Improvement Plan takes the prescription that you just built in the Treatment Plan Builder and displays them into a graphically rich report that you can give the patient. It matches the look and feel of their Functional Health Report and shows details on the products you recommended organized by Health Concern. If you are using Health Concerns, it displays the scoring for each Health Concern. This is generated from the associated blood test:


It will also indicate the biomarkers that are out of range for each Health Concern along with a detailed description of each product you have prescribed:


This is an important report because it gives the patient a clear reason why they should be taking the supplements you prescribed.

Lastly, those treatment notes and personal messages you added to the treatment plan can be displayed on your HIP report:


So, that's a brief walk-through of the ODX Treatment Plan Builder and the HIP report.

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