Treatment Builder Imagery-06

Build Treatment Plans That Drive Patient Compliance

Using the Optimal DX Treatment Plan Builder, you’ll be able to quickly generate treatment plans personalized to your patients’ blood test results using supplement recommendations from Fullscript and leading supplement companies.

The Optimal DX Treatment Plan Builder

Tailored Treatment Recommendations

After generating health insights from your patient’s blood test results, use the ODX  Treatment Plan Builder to automatically provide treatment recommendations tailored to those health insights, complete with easy-to-understand treatment rationales to drive patient compliance. Watch a Demo

Automatic Dosage and Direction

You don’t have to worry about becoming familiar with dozens of different supplements, their dosages, directions for use, or Functional benefits — the ODX Software supplies all of this information, and you can adjust the dosage as you see fit. Watch a Demo

Integrated with Fullscript

If you use Fullscript to fulfill your patients’ prescriptions, you can export your product recommendations from the ODX Treatment Plan Builder into your Fullscript account, ensuring your patients quickly receive their supplements in the manner they’re accustomed to. When generating product recommendations, you have the choice of choosing from Fullscript’s database of products or the default OptimalDX database. Watch a Demo

Health Concern-Based Prescriptions

You can choose which Health Concern you wish to target in your treatment plan, ensuring that you target the areas that concern you and your patient the most. The Treatment Plan Builder then generates default recommendations, which you can adjust as you see fit. Select from suggested product lines, pick and choose individual products as needed, add your own notes and instructions, adjust dosage and pricing and much more. Watch a Demo

Add Your Own Products

Add your own products to the ODX application and create treatment plans prescribing your own supplements. A great way to prescribe your own white-labeled products, botanicals, or other products. Click the Learn More button below for more details on how to get this set up. Learn More

Auto-populate Products from Protocol Templates

Pre-build your treatment plans with ODX Protocol Templates. You can then auto-populate your most-used products straight into your treatment plans! Do the work once and save a ton of time. Watch a Demo

The Health Improvement Plan

The Health Improvement Plan shows the supplements you recommended in your treatment plan along with full details and directions and any health concerns you plan on treating. This graphical prescription report provides clear and simple reasons to follow protocols. As a result, patients will adhere to your treatment plan more closely, and you can schedule follow-ups to see its impact on their blood test results. The Health Improvement Plan coupled with your expert knowledge provides quick and effective recommendations for treating dysfunction.

By the Numbers

The Optimal DX Impact

The Optimal DX Software platform and its Functional Health Reports are changing patient outcomes across the globe.
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Delivering Functional Health Reports To

What Our Customers Are Saying

Hear how our customers have transformed their practice with the Optimal DX Software platform.


“For me, the, the blood chemistry software is the centerpiece of my guidance system and helping people to understand what it is that’s really going on with their physiology and helping me to, to, to work my way through the decision making relative to that.”

Dr. Brad RachmanMedical Director of the Rachman Clinic in Black Mountain, North Carolina

“I have noticed that since I have been using the software, scheduling the follow-up and patients actually sticking to that follow-up schedule has been much easier. [...] This has been very, very good for my practice, both for time management for my personnel and myself as well as the revenue stream.”

Dr. Ionela HubbardAssistant Professor of Preventive Medicine and Complementary and Alternative Medicine Curriculum Director at the Loma Linda University School of Medicine


“A great tool to be able to use and certainly worth every penny I pay for it – because of the time it saves me, and the professionalism it has. [...] It has definitely been a big part of why my business has been very successful over the last few years since we’ve implemented it.”

Dr. Dennis GodbyNaturopathic Doctor at the Sacramento Naturopathic Medical Center


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Want to see the impact Optimal DX Software’s analytical, interpretive, and tracking functionality can have on your practice? Sign up for an ODX Membership and find out for yourself.

About FBCA

Want to Learn More About Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis?

Our Functional Health Reports interpret the results of your patients’ blood chemistry tests from a functional perspective. But what makes Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis… functional? View our About Blood Chemistry page to find out.

FBCA Training

Learn to interpret, analyze, act on and make the most of your patient's blood test results. Sign up for Dr. Dicken Weatherby’s Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis Mastery Training to learn the entire blood chemistry analysis process from start to finish.