Optimal - The Blog

June 26, 2023

Sarcopenia is Not Appealing

Sarcopenia, a progressive loss of muscle mass and strength, is recognized as a muscle disease by the World Health Organization and is often associated with aging and decreased quality of life.

It is influenced by factors like chronic inflammation, nutrient insufficiency, and a sedentary lifestyle, with Vitamin D insufficiency directly contributing to its onset.

Prevention and management involve nutritional interventions, such as the intake of certain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and an adequate protein amount, coupled with increased physical activity.

Assessment of sarcopenia requires comprehensive biomarker analysis reflecting oxidative stress, inflammation, energy metabolism, and hormone balance. Patterns in these biomarkers have been associated with sarcopenia, as seen in a cross-sectional study using UK Biobank data.

The Sarcopenia Index, based on creatinine and cystatin C, provides a valuable assessment tool, with a higher index correlating with a lower risk of sarcopenia, all-cause mortality, and nutrition risk.

Want to Learn More? 

CLICK HERE to learn more about Sarcopenia, health consequences, the ODX ranges, etc.

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