Optimal - The Blog

May 9, 2024

Iodine in Thyroid Dysfunction: Should You I-odine?

Iodine is a crucial mineral for producing thyroid hormones, which are vital for regulating many body functions. Both deficiency and excess iodine can lead to thyroid problems such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and autoimmune thyroiditis.

The recommended daily intake of iodine is 150 micrograms, but excessive intake can disturb thyroid balance and lead to conditions like hyperthyroidism and inflammation. High iodine levels can be particularly risky for people with autoimmune thyroid diseases, as they can exacerbate or accelerate thyroid issues.

It's important to maintain optimal iodine levels to prevent both deficiency and excess. Monitoring iodine intake from all sources, including iodized salt, seafood, and supplements, is essential for health.

Adjusting dietary iodine and monitoring it through urinary iodine concentration can help manage thyroid health effectively. This is particularly crucial for sensitive groups such as those previously deficient in iodine, pregnant women, and infants, who may be more vulnerable to the effects of iodine imbalance.

Source: Los Muertos Crew Pexels.com

Want to Learn More?

Follow these links to learn more about Autoimmune Thyroid Disorders, Iodine, health consequences, the ODX ranges, etc.

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