Blog | Optimal DX | Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis Software

Upcoming ODX Updates - October 2023

Written by ODX Admin | Oct 17, 2023 11:46:23 PM

Hi there. It's been a busy time at ODX and we wanted to let you know about some upcoming updates we will be making to the ODX Platform in the weeks to come.....

Updates Coming to the ODX Treatment Plan Builder

We will be releasing a major update to how treatment plans are built in the ODX platform by enhancing the concept of Auto-Populate, a feature that allows you to preselect which supplements you want pre-associated with the health concern you want to treat. Our goal is to leave you 100% in the driver's seat but also to get you as close to a finished treatment plan as possible thus saving you a ton of time when building those treatment plans. I'll have more details in the next week or so, including a video walk-through! But for now, this is a sneak preview of the product selection page we have built for you:

We also want to make it very easy for you to see what items are in your treatment plan and also be able to edit or add associated Health Concerns to a selected product. We do this with our Modal popout window:

Updates Coming to ODX Integrations

We want to showcase the integrations between ODX and many of the labs and supplement companies you use and make it easier for you to get your labs integrated. We're doing this with an updated integration experience. Here's the new-look integrations page showing featured integrations:

You can access the integrations page from this link in the application:

Updates Coming to the "Blood Test Comparative" Report

We will be updating the Blood Test Comparative Report to include the same level of biomarker categorization that we use in the Blood Test Results Report. This will make it easier for you to compare blood test results within their categories.

Updates Coming to the "Blood Test History Report"

We will be using the same biomarker categorization in the Blood Test History report as well. This will make it much easier to discuss historical biomarker changes with your patients.

What Else?

There are a number of exciting projects we are working on that are currently in development:

  1. Updates to how ODX Handles Female Hormones - We are working on making the ODX reporting adapt to female hormones tested during the different menstrual phases and also for your menopausal patients.  
  2. New Feature - Protocol Templates - We are creating a way for you to build a protocol template. You can pre-associate health concerns with the products you most often select and save them in a template to be used again and again. This will work for the ODX Default database and the Fullscript database. If you find yourself continually selecting the same product for "treating" a health concern then you're going to love the Protocol Template Builder. Once built, you can auto-populate a treatment plan with your chosen products and get to the final protocol in no time. A major time saver!

When will these changes take place?

We are in the final stages of testing a lot of these new features and will be releasing them over the next few weeks.

That's it for now! We look forward to working hard on your behalf to bring you all of the latest and greatest updates to the ODX platform.